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Administration Pénitentiaire


Administration Pénitentiaire


Identity repositioning : the Administration Pénitentiaire has undertaken introspection to redefine its values and align them with its vision and mission in a decidedly more modern and philanthropic approach. 


In order to encompass internal actions and foster a sense of belonging, even pride, among employees, we worked on an identity that would embody the essence of Administration Pénitentiaire and their missions. The logo was designed with a humanistic approach, blended with the strength of the lion, to create a powerful emblem of identity. The semantic was built with the aim to convey the core values of Administration Pénitentiaire.
Building upon its fresh identity, the Administration Pénitentiaire seamlessly integrated modern design principles, breathing new life into its communication tools. Central to this transformation is the website’s redesign, now a true reflection of the organization’s forward-thinking evolution.

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